Beginning in 1839 Italian scientists held annual congregations until the 9th reunion in Venice in 1847. The meetings resumed in 1862 in Siena, after the Unification of Italy, and continued until 1863, in Palermo, when the Italian Society for the Progress of Science was instituted. The meetings represented an important and stimulating occasion of encounter for the men of science of the time and demonstrated the existence of a united Italian culture. The online publication of the Proceedings of the Congresses of Italian Scientists forms the first part of a project which also intends to make available to scholars previously unpublished holdings, such as the Proceedings of the Venice Congress (the documents are conserved within the Institute's Archive).
L'acquisizione digitale dei documenti è eseguita a 400 DPI 8-bit (TIFF, jpeg2000 o PNG) scala di grigio. Per la consultazione on line è stata scelta una risoluzione di 150 DPI jpeg 80% (gli ingrandimenti 600 pixel, lato maggiore, jpeg 80%). Per l'immissione dei metadati, che garantiscono la consultazione dei testi tramite un indice strutturato, è stato utilizzato il formato MAG.
Online Access:
Congresses of Italian Scientists (in Italian)