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List of the historical photo collections

The cataloguing of the photographic material is ongoing.
Clicking on the following headings accesses the inventory (RTF files) of the (already) catalogued historical photo collections.

1st National exhibition of the history of science (Florence, 1929). Alinari photo collections: machines and instruments
1st National exhibition of the history of science (Florence, 1929). Alinari photo collections: scientists' portraits
1st National exhibition of the history of science (Florence, 1929). Photo collections on display

Accademia medico fisica fiorentina
Aperlo's medals
Artistic works in Florence and in other Italian and foreign towns
Civilians and soldiers during a radio programme
Earthquake of May 18, 1895 in Florence
Eruptions at Vulcano Island (1888-1889)
Exhibition rooms and cases of the Istituto e Museo di storia della scienza (Florence)
Exhumation of N. Steensen's corpse
Florentine views and buildings
Funeral monument to L. Nobili
Group portraits
Inside views of the Museo dell'Istituto di zoologia dell'Università degli studi (Cagliari)
International target shooting competition in La Canea (Greece)
Laboratories of the Regio Istituto tecnico industriale Vittorio Emanuele III (Livorno)
Machines and means of transport of the Science museum (London)
Medical caricatures by Baccio del Bianco
Meetings of the Società italiana di storia delle scienze mediche e naturali
Models of dredges and floats by Leonardo da Vinci
Models of flying machines by Leonardo da Vinci
Models of steam engines and other machines by J. Watt
Monuments to G. Ferraris
Outside and inside views of the Biblioteca medica and of the Museo fisiologico dell'Istituto di studi superiori pratici e di perfezionamento (Florence)
Outside/inside views and instruments of Chinese observatories
P. Ginori Conti's visit at Piana dei Greci
Paintings and illustrations on medical subjects
Petrified body parts by F. Spirito
Pharmaceutical glassware of the Musei civici veneziani
Portrait and memorial of E.W.L. Tempel
Portraits of doctors and scientists
Rehabilitation machines of the Istituto fisioterapico e radiologico Gabbrielli-Bacci (Florence)
Reproductions of manuscripts and printed texts
Roster, Giorgio (1843-1927)
Solar eclipse observed in Palermo on March 6, 1867
Solar observations at the Osservatorio astronomico di Arcetri
Torre del Gallo and Galileo
Tribuna di Galileo
Vaccination against smallpox
Vetturetta Bernardi

The historical photo collections still to be catalogued refer to:

Allodi, Federico (1900-1967)
Bazzechi Collection
Instruments Housed in Italian and Foreign Museums
Instruments of the IMSS Collections

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