Institute and Museum of History of Science, Florence ITALY

Annali di Storia della Scienza

Information for contributors



      "Nuncius. Annali del Museo di Storia della Scienza di Firenze" publishes four kinds of essays:

1) Articles
2) Archive of the correspondence of Italian scientists
3) Institutions and sources
4) New Media

      The essays, which may have footnotes, should be no more than 40 pages long (with one page equal to about 2000 typed characters, or 300 words), and should be accompanied by an abstract in both Italian and English (max. 100 words). The function of the abstract is to give a clear idea of the content of the article.

      References to authors in the text should include, at least the first time, the name of the author in full and the full title of the work in italics. In later references, the author can be referred to by surname alone, and titles of works can be cited in short form.

      After the title of the article, followed by NAME and SURNAME, the author of the essay should specify his or her INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION.

We also request that you indicate on a separate sheet the address to which correspondence should be sent and an e-mail address.


      These are devoted to the examination in depth of one or more texts, connected by a common perspective, or to the discussion of a particular historiographical theme.

      Critical discussions can have footnotes, and should not be more than 25 pages long. They are not accompanied by an abstract, but must have a title.

      References to authors in the text should include, at least the first time, the name of the author in full and the full title of the work in italics. In later references, the author can be referred to by surname alone, and titles of works can be cited in short form.

      After the title of the article, followed by NAME and SURNAME, the author of the essay should specify his or her INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION.

We also request that you indicate on a separate sheet the address to which correspondence should be sent and an e-mail address.


      Contributions (articles, critical discussions, book reviews) should be submitted in the following format:

Microsoft Word document
Font: Times New Roman 12 point
Standard Page Layout
Default margins

Two hard copies and a copy on floppy disk, as well as illustrations where applicable, should be sent to:

Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
Redazione di Nuncius
Piazza dei Giudici, 1
50122 Firenze

      The Editorial Board will submit contributions received to the judgment of one or more referees. Their decision will be forwarded to the author in the shortest time possible.

For any further information please contact:

Marco Ciardi (Editor in Chief)


The final versions of articles, critical discussions and book reviews should be sent by e-mail to Dott.ssa Marta Stefani to the following e-mail address:


      References and citations in the footnotes should give the name of the author in SMALL CAPITALS (or double-underlined) and the title in italics (or single underlined). The name of the author and the title of the work should be given in full the first time; in successive references either the initial of the first name or the surname alone can be used, and the title can be abbreviated [Models of abbreviated references: SURNAME, Short title, cit./SURNAME, op.cit.]

     Example: BEDINI, The pulse of time, cit.

      The name and the shelfmark or inventory number of manuscripts and instruments should be given in full the first time, and subsequently in abbreviated form; Any abbreviations used must be explained in a key.
Full citation details are required to permit the preparation of the annual indices of the journal.

      Examples of full citation details (monographs, edited volumes, articles in collections, journal articles):

      MARCO CIARDI, L'atomo fantasma. Genesi storica dell'ipotesi di Avogadro, Firenze, Olschki, 1995.

      RENATO G. MAZZOLINI (ed.), Non -verbal communication in science prior to 1900, Firenze, Olschki, 1993.

      MARCO BERETTA, The role of symbolism for alchemy to chemistry, in RENATO G. MAZZOLINI (ed.), Non -verbal communication in science prior to 1900, Firenze, Olschki, 1993, pp. 279-319.

      MARA MINIATI, Due antichi globi, "Nuncius", III, fasc. 1, 1988, pp. 153-155.


Contributions intended for publication in the first issue of the year should be submitted by September 30 of the previous year. Contributions intended for publication in the second issue should be submitted by March 31.


      Book reviews should be preceded by the following elements, in this order: the name and surname of the author (or editor, with the addition of the abbreviation "ed.") in SMALL CAPITALS, the title in italics, the place of publication, publisher, year of the edition, number of pages (followed by the abbreviation "pp.") the number of illustrations, if applicable (with the abbreviation "ill."), the price, the ISBN number, and, in parentheses, the series and the number in the series.

NAME AND SURNAME, Title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, xxx pp., xx ill., € xx, ISBN xxx ("Name of series", number in series).

SILVIO A. BEDINI, The pulse of time. Galileo, the determination of longitude, and the pendulum clock, Firenze, Olschki, 1991, XIV + 220 pp., 51 ill., L. 35.000, ISBN 88-222-3856-7 ("Biblioteca di Nuncius. Studi e testi", III)

ALESSANDRA FIOCCA (ed.), Giambattista Aleotti e gli ingegneri del Rinascimento, Firenze, Olschki, 1998, XXV + 462 pp., L. 70.000, ISBN 88-222-4660-8 ("Biblioteca di Nuncius. Studi e testi", XXXI).

Book reviews may not have footnotes and should be between two pages (4000 characters = 600 words) and four pages (circa 8000 characters = 1200 words) in length.

      At the end of the review, the author of the essay should specify his or her INSTITUTIONAL AFFILIATION.

We also request that you indicate on a separate sheet the address to which correspondence should be sent and an e-mail address.

Book reviews should be submitted in the following format:

Microsoft Word document
Font: Times New Roman 12 point
Standard Page Layout
Default margins

Two hard copies and a copy on floppy disk, as well as illustrations where applicable, should be sent to:

Antonello La Vergata
Nuncius (Review Editor)
Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza
Piazza dei Giudici, 1 - 50122 Firenze

Book reviews intended for publication in the first issue of the year should be submitted by September 30 of the previous year. Contributions intended for publication in the second issue should be submitted by March 31.


The first proofs of essays, critical discussions and book reviews are sent back to authors.
The corrected proofs should be sent back to the editorial board within ten days of receipt.
Authors will receive thirty complimentary off-prints of their contribution.


Illustrations should be submitted as:


Photographs: in black and white on glossy paper. Format 13 cm x 18 cm or 18 cm x 24 cm. These illustrations should be inserted OUTSIDE THE MAIN TEXT (they will be indicated by the abbreviation TAV.).


Nuncius publishes up to a maximum of 4 ILLUSTRATIONS OUTSIDE THE MAIN TEXT for each article. Whenever a single figure needs to include a combination of several images, a sketch must be attached explaining the desired organization of the images (indicated by the abbreviation ILL.). On the back of the print, if applicable, indicate the boundaries of the area that you want to be reproduced in the publication.



Line drawings: in black and white. These illustrations should be WITHIN THE MAIN TEXT. They will be indicated by the abbreviation FIG).
3) Transparencies: in black and white. These are permitted only for GRAPHICS. Graphics can be placed either WITHIN THE MAIN TEXT or OUTSIDE THE MAIN TEXT.

It is essential to have an accurate list of captions to accompany both ILLUSTRATIONS (tavole) and FIGURES.

We advise you to ensure that your images are always of the highest quality and high definition. The editor reserves the right not to publish images judged to be of insufficient quality. In this case, the author will be informed.

Colour photographs may be published only at the author's special request and expense.

For further information, please contact:
Elena Montali:

Last update: 15-Mag-2002