International conference
Florence, 5 - 7 June
2003 Institutional history of
science is a well-established area of research. Historians have produced
valuable studies on scientific societies and academies, and, as part
of the on-going interest in scientific patronage, a growing number of
scholars are now investigating the transmission of scientific knowledge
at court. Studies of colleges, such as the Gresham College and the Casa
de la Contratacíon, have shed more light on science teaching
outside the universities. General histories of universities and case
studies on single universities and on professors have contributed to
revise the old view of universities as hostile to scientific change.
Historians of science no longer dismiss the study of university teaching
as irrelevant to the development of scientific knowledge, and a more
nuanced account of the role of science in universities has become to
emerge. Thanks to Charles Schmitt’s reassessment of Renaissance
Aristotelianism, science historians are now investigating early modern
university curricula, though scientific textbook is still a rather neglected
subject. The last decades saw a substantial amount of research in science
teaching in Jesuit colleges and detailed studies on the Jesuits’
contribution to science. A strong impulse to research in science teaching
came from the publication of various journals devoted to the history
of universities, and in particular from History of Universities,
which saw the light in 1981.
The conference
is planned in response to the increasing interest in science teaching
among historians of science and aims at offering scholars an opportunity
to present the results of their work and to discuss current research
in the field.
The conference will address issues relating to teaching in universities,
religious orders, colleges and courts, as well as scientific curricula,
dissertations and textbooks. The focus will be on natural philosophy,
mathematics, astronomy, physics, geography and chemistry. Medicine
teaching will not be included – being too large a subject
in itself. The period covered will be approximately from the mid-sixteenth
century to the early decades of the eighteenth century. |