Experiment by Auzout
Jean Pecquet, Experimenta
nova anatomica, Paris1661
Born in Rouen, in France, he carried
out research mainly in the fields of pneumatics and astronomy, working
together with other outstanding figures of the French scientific scene
of the period, such as Gilles de Roberval and Jean Picard. In 1666
he was admitted to the Académie des Sciences in Paris, but
he resigned after only two years, in 1668. He moved to Rome, where
he stayed almost continuously until his death in 1691.
Auzout made original contributions to the
techniques of telescopic observation in astronomy, perfecting especially
the use of the micrometer. His skill as an experimenter and instrument
maker allowed him to carry out, in the Autumn of 1647, an experiment
in which he showed, by placing a barometric tube within a void, that
the mercury did not remain at the same level, but completely descended
into the vessel below. The ingenious project of creating a "void within
a void" showed, incontestably, the role of the pressure of air in
the barometric experiment.