Letter from Evangelista Torricelli to
Michelangelo Ricci, 11th June, 1644
A pupil of Benedetto Castelli
in Roma, he performed a remarkable role as the Roman point of reference
for the developments of the Galileian School. He was nominated Cardinal
in 1681. He was in very close contact first with Torricelli, then
with Viviani and Leopoldo de' Medici, actively participating, albeit
by letter, in the activities of the Accademia del Cimento. He repeatedly
intervened to prevent the threatening attempts at censorship on the
part of Church authorities of the figures of the new scientific ideas.
He was a fine mathematician, as is seen in the only work he published,
the Geometrica exercitatio (Roma 1666) and his intense epistolary
exchanges with Torricelli.
Ricci had a prime role in the theoretical
and experimental debates which preceded and accompanied the torricellian
discovery of air-pressure. In addition to participating in some experiments
held in Rome by Gasparo Berti, he was the addressee of the only two
documents (the letters from 11th and 28th June,
1644) in which Torricelli described his barometric experiments, explaining
the role of air-pressure as the cause of the suspension of mercury
in the tube.