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Integrated Digital Archive


The IMSS Integrated Archives consists of the integration in a single operating environment of nine archives serving for management and consultation of the files and multimedia material available at IMSS.

The type of data involved are: Scientific instruments, Images, Hypertext and multimedia cards, Names of persons and organizations, Bibliographical material, Archives material.

The data can be closely correlated thanks to the presence of numerous links, thus making consultation easier. At present the system provides for simple search on the whole group of files and advanced search on individual databases.


Since 1949, the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza has conserved the Archivio Storico del Reale Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale (Historic Archives of the Royal Museum of Physics and Natural History), founded by Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo di Lorena in 1775. The documentation covers a time span of nearly a century (1780-1872) and represent the most important source for reconstructing the history of that ancient institution in all its aspects and in its contacts with the major European centers of science. The cataloguing, having to do with the main series in the file, includes approximately 5500 records.

In the Archives of the Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza are 36 folders of documents concerning the annual meetings of Italian scientists, which were held from 1839 to 1847, and again in 1861 and 1862. This is a major source for the study of 19 th century science and culture in Italy .
Among the documents conserved in the over 200 records are minutes of the working meetings, numerous speeches presented by participants on the state of scientific research of the time and communications on new discoveries and inventions. The cataloging of this material has been entirely completed.

The structure of the ICONA database is finalized at managing iconographic and documentary material of historical-scientific nature, reproduced on photographic and digital mediums. Designed for cataloging images of current or recent production, it can also be utilized for old and historic iconographic material, thanks to the versatility of the descriptive and technical fields. At present, it consists of over 36,000 images.

The STS file contains the cataloging cards on the scientific instruments owned by the IMSS, both those on display and those in storage, amounting to around 5000 records.
The STS catalogue, developed in accordance with and close collaboration with the ICCD, provides for three catalogue levels: inventory lists, first cataloging cards and cataloging cards.

Consists of approximately 148,000 records and includes the following files:
- CAT Catalogue of the Library
- BISS Bibliography of the History of Science
- GAL Galilean Bibliography

Contains all of the names of persons and organizations utilized within each of the other files, and is thus fundamental for integrated research since it is related to all of the other files. Contains about 72,000 records.

The ARAM database is the management file of the IMSS Multimedia Applications. It holds data which serve for organizing the contents and enabling multimedia communication finalized at divulging the objects and digital resources possessed by IMSS. No system for consulting this file on the Web is planned. It is utilized above all as a work environment, for the dynamic generation of pages of some sections of the website.

EPACT is a file of the Medieval and Renaissance scientific instruments belonging to four European Museums: Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, Florence, British Museum, London, Museum Boerhaave, Leyden. It consists of over 500 catalogue cards of instruments and many biographical and further information cards.

Galileo//thek@ represents an integrated federation of Galilean digital resources in the web environment, easily explored thanks to refined search tools. It is a new-generation thematic digital library, which contains texts, images, documents, bibliographic records, chronological repertoires, lexicons, thematic indexes, catalogues of objects and experiments, research grants, etc., on all aspects of the life, the scientific activity and the fortunes of the Pisan scientist.





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