La conquista del visibile. Galileo e le Arti
(Conquering the Visible - Galileo and the Arts)
Pisa, 28-29 September 2006
Linnaeus in Italy: The Spread of a Revolution in Botany
Pisa, 9-10 June 2006
Scienza e filosofia: circolazione dei saperi nel Mediterraneo - secoli IX-XVI
(Science and Philosophy: Knowledge Exchange in the Mediterranean - 9th-16th Centuries)
Florence, 16-18 February 2006
Scienze e storia nell'Italia del Novecento (Science and History in Italy in the 1900s)
Livorno, Biblioteca Labronica "F.D. Guerrazzi"
Florence, Auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce
20 - 21 May 2005
Mechanics and Cosmology
European Science Foundation Workshop
Florence, 25 - 27 November 2004
La didattica della scienza nei musei in Toscana (Didactics in Tuscan Science Museums)
Florence, 25 March 2004
Futuro delle memorie digitali e patrimonio culturale (The Future of Digital Memory and Cultural Heritage)
Florence, 16-17 October 2003
Semantic Web for scientific and cultural organisations: results of some early experiments
Florence, 16-17 June 2003
Science Teaching in Early Modern Europe
Florence, 5-7 June 2003