The Line of the Sun. Great Sundials in Florence
Florence, Institute and Museum of the History of Science
March 21, 2007 - September 23, 2007
The Mind of Leonardo - the Universal Genius at Work
Florence, Uffizi Gallery
March 28, 2006 - January 7, 2007
Relativity from Galileo to Einstein
Florence, Museo di Storia della Scienza
December 17, 2005 - March 12, 2006
The Number and its Forms
Florence, Museo di Storia della Scienza
March 17 - October 9, 2005
Beautiful Minds - The Nobel Prize: A Century of Creativity
Celebration of the one hundred year anniversary of the Nobel Prize
Florence, Palazzo Strozzi
16 September 2004 – 2 January 2005
Machina Mundi - Images and Measures of the Cosmos from Copernicus to Newton
The history of scientific revolution from Galileo Galilei to Isaac Newton
Florence, Museo di Storia della Scienza
18 June – 18 December 2004
Leonardo's "Automobile"
Travelling exhibition
from April 2004
Vitrum - the Use of Glass in Roman Times
Florence, Palazzo Pitti, Museo degli Argenti
26 March – 31 October 2004
Cycling through Time
Exhibition of period bicycles.
Florence, Museo di Storia della Scienza
from 22 March 2004
Il tempo della natura. Ciclicità e irreversibilità dei fenomeni naturali
The analysis of natural phenomena, their cyclicity and irreversibility.
Florence, Palazzo Pazzi Ammannati
October 4, 2003 – March 31, 2004
Time, Material, Space - Measuring Instruments from Antiquity to the Present Day
An overview of the instruments of measurement through the centuries.
Florence, Museo Archeologico Nazionale
June, 13 2003 – April 30, 2004